Of course, following this latest school shooting, the Libtards are calling for gun control. Again. But taking away people's Constitutional Rights is NOT the answer! Is a "mentally ill" person a lower class of American citizen to whom the Bill of Rights does not apply? Of course not. That is why President Trump rolled back the unConstitutional barring of people who are "mentally ill" from their RIGHT to buy as many guns as they want.
No, the answer to this problem is not less guns, but MORE guns. Obviously those who seek to mass murder people with guns would think twice if their victims were armed. As opposed to unarmed and defenseless. I mean, come on, that's common sense! This is why I strongly support a nationwide conceal and carry law. Everyone who wants to arm themselves for their own protection should be allowed to do so.
Are background checks mentioned in the Constitution? Hell no! Does the 2nd Amendment say you can only have so many bullets in a clip? Does it say that a citizen's right to own a gun SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED except when it comes to AR-15s? Of course it doesn't! This is why I've been stockpiling guns and ammunition for awhile now. I need to protect myself and it is my right.
Despite the agents of the oppressive State saying I'm a "felon" and have therefore "lost" my RIGHT to own a firearm. Or as many fucking firearms as I desire (a few dozen as of the writing of this post). Because I defended myself and a Liberal douche who was menacing me got punched? I'll just continue to acquire my guns via gun shows and private sales. Because if I was subjected to a background check I would "fail".
An armed citizenry is a safe citizenry in my opinion. No, scratch that... it is actually a proven fact that more guns would make us safer. As per the research of gun rights advocate John Lott (author of the book More Guns, Less Crime) there aren't enough guns in America.
What we need to do is arm everyone. Because more guns equal less crime! The answer is right there in the title of Lott's book. And he has the research to back up his assertions. Libturds hate the Constitution and want us to be LESS safe. That's why their answer is ALWAYS more unConstitutional gun control. They want to take away your and my RIGHT to protect ourselves!
I'm not saying that young children should be armed. That would be ridiculous. But I think gun safety should be taught in school and that every child should be issued a firearm around age 10. Younger than that and protection should be the responsibility of the teacher (who should be armed). And a few heavily armed guards stationed in all institutions of learning would be a good idea too.
This could be a way of providing employment to ex-military. I mean, we've all heard about how homelessness and unemployment is higher among ex-military. So why not give them good jobs protecting school kids? Gun-grabbing anti-Constitutional Libtards, of course, oppose such common sense solutions.
Image: Gun rights are human rights! Does not every human have the right to defend themselves?
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