Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Tyrant Obama Orders Death From Above Via Drone

The issue with his birth certificate, budget-busting healthcare "reform", an attempt to classify CO2 as a pollutant, more thievery in the form of increased taxes, refusing to defend DOMA, an attempt to weaken the second amendment, the Benghazi cover up, and now the scandalous revelation that Hussein's IRS targeted Conservative groups... certainly one can not deny that Hussein's presidency is the worst since (at least) Jimmy Carter.

In particular the ability to execute American citizens as he sees fit gives Libertarian John Myers of the Personal Liberty Digest serious cause for concern. Mr. Myers warns of Hussein's "secret army" that allows Hussein to act as "executioner against Americans he sees as his enemy".

Myers points out that Liberal author Jeremy Scahill says "Obama has been granted a blank check to vastly expand drone strikes while blatantly ignoring the Constitution by denying habeas corpus". Yes, Hussein has only executed two American citizens, SO FAR, but "when you stop denying one subset of Americans due process, you are on a slippery slope toward eliminating other Americans whom the President and his secret cabal classify as enemies".

Frankly, I think it a good think when the lives of terrorist scum like al-Awlaki are ended via hellfire missile, but there needs to be some checks and balances on the process. Congress should be involved and who is on the "kill list" should not be in the hands of the executive only!

If this blatant ignoring of the Constitution were being done by a Republican president the hypocrite Liberals would be screaming impeachment, yet their savior Obama does it and not a peep?

TLB #42


  1. The dude has a "kill list" and, yes, if President Bush had had one, all mayhem would have totally broken loose. When you're right, you're right.

  2. .

    "If this blatant ignoring of the Constitution were being done by a Republican president the hypocrite Liberals would be screaming impeachment, ..."

    For the record: President Bush has admitted to ignoring and openly violating the Constitution and international law. He has gotten away with it.


    "President Bush authorized about 50 non-battlefield drone strikes."

    Ema Nymton

  3. Ema said: "President Bush has admitted to ignoring and openly violating the Constitution and international law. He has gotten away with it."

    When did he do this, let alone admit it?

  4. Obama has sextupled the number of drone strikes with significantly higher civilian carnage. We can argue over it being right or wrong but we cannot deny this reality, Ema. Sorry but no.
