With the election of the lover of baby murder, Doug Jones, elected to the US Senate, the people of Alabama have made their choice clear. That choice? More abortion. Moore (ironically?) is opposed to abortion. Yet the voters chose Jones, sending a message. That message? "We love abortion".
Hard to believe. The electorate of RED RED Alabama went for a pro-baby murder like Jones? Maybe the election was stolen? Moore has yet to concede, and is seeking a recount. Yet HOW could it be close enough for Obama to steal (for Jones) unless a near majority of the voters of Alabama LOVE abortion?
I don't know. I was very pleased with the election of Donald John Trump. America is finally back on the right track. With principled Christian men like Kris Kobach working hard to take the vote away from minority and "immigrant" cheaters (double and illegal voters) Mr. Trump vanquished the evil Hildabeest. But now this????
Satan's candidate Jones won, and you know that HIGH on his agenda will be increasing abortions pronto! "I love killing babies" Doug Jones exclaimed in his victory speech. "This is a great victory for lovers of murdering babies. My master Satan thanks the voters of Alabama. Now on to Washington so I can get down to the hard work of writing legislation to make abortion on demand more readily available. And government funded".
Or, that's what Jones would have said had he told the truth. Instead he referenced the false allegations of "child molestering" the Left drummed up agaisnt the Christian candidate Moore. A reporter for the WP (the lying media's flagship) named Bernie Bernstein solicited (and offered cash payments) for lying whores to make false charges against Roy Moore. I've heard the audio.
The WP, of course, denied that anyone in their employ was named "Bernie Bernstein" or that anyone who worked for them recorded the robocall. I call bullshit on their denials. This is how they got the women who have made fake charges of groping against Moore to "come forward". They obviously paid them off. Being a good Christian man, Roy Moore would never sexually assault, grope, or otherwise assault a child! The very idea is preposterous.
I think it's more likely that Doug Jones molested kids. Male kids. And that we haven't heard about it because the WP sat on the story/covered it up. I have no proof, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if it was 100% true. Because someone as evil as Jones wouldn't be content to only murder babies.
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